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WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:13 pm

In case anyone was interested I'd be happy to share a copy of the Revokable Trust template I use. Currently at 3 NFA approvals and 4 pendings using the template, so it does work for NFA items. If you're planning to hold other assets along with your NFA stuff on the SAME Trust like a pension, life insurance, retirement stuff, get an attorney as there are other issues at play rather then just meeting the minimum standards for being legally viable for NFA purposes.

In WA you can set up as many trusts as you'd like without any type of registration with the county/state etc. I'm currently at 6 myself, they're free why not? :bigsmile: Just needs an asset listed on the Schedule A , such as $5 cash , undisclosed contents of a safe deposit box, a family heirloom, Fred Meyers rewards card etc. and 2 notarized signatures of the Grantor (creator). The template I use was given to me by another NFA owner and I thought I'd spread the word in light of the posts about paying lawyers to set of Trusts for the sole purpose of holding/building NFA items. Thats money Id rather spend on more NFA stuff personally.

If you plan to do Form1 builds, pick a SHORT name as you'll be engraving it on each NFA item you manufacture. "XYZ Trust ", "NFA Trust #2" etc. "The John Jingleheimer Schmidt Revokable Living Trust For NFA Weapons of Skykomish Washington" is going to look horrible on an SBR receiver.

For anyone who's interested shoot me a PM with your email address and I'll fwd a copy.

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:19 pm

:plusone: :yes:

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:22 pm

Fair use..

For those interested... please do know that this is not from a lawyer nor back by a lawyer willing to stand by you if things don't work out.

Yes, you can get a computer program trust and it will most likely be approved by ATF... this is not the bar you want to risk all your "assets"

If you are going to go to all the trouble of getting a NFA item (aka suppressor, SBR, etc) please do take a moment and do it right. Not some copy.

Life is full of risk... when you gamble. Sometimes you lose. This is not where I would promote others lose on someone else's risk.

But like I have always said... "it's your ass not mine" :wink05:

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:59 pm

oldkim wrote:Fair use..

For those interested... please do know that this is not from a lawyer nor back by a lawyer willing to stand by you if things don't work out.

Yes, you can get a computer program trust and it will most likely be approved by ATF... this is not the bar you want to risk all your "assets"

If you are going to go to all the trouble of getting a NFA item (aka suppressor, SBR, etc) please do take a moment and do it right. Not some copy.

Life is full of risk... when you gamble. Sometimes you lose. This is not where I would promote others lose on someone else's risk.

But like I have always said... "it's your ass not mine" :wink05:

Other than the cost what exactly is the difference between a lawyer drafted NFA only trust and a free sourced NFA only trust after they've both passed the minimum scrutiny by the ATFs documents examiners to verify they are legal entities under the NFA and have a cancelled stamp in their posession?

ETA: A revokable living trust may be amended, edited or modified at any time if there is an issue later on with the copy sent to the ATF at the time of submission with your form1 or form4.

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:11 pm

The ATF is not the benchmark by which you want your "trust" to pass.

They (ATF) will pass a one page trust.
So long as it met their idea of what a trust is... (but please remember they are not lawyers either nor care if the trust is "valid" or not).

They are examiners making sure all your paperwork is done... Not lawyers reading your trust to make sure you are protected.

It's called "insurance"

When I was in my early 20's... single and carefree. Not a care in the world. No assets but my ass and the Army.

Big difference now. I'm quite a bit older with a house, wife, future child and a "few" firearms and a few other toys... I don't want to risk losing any or all my shit because of some piece of paper... that who knows who wrote and who the hell I can go to "fix" it in years to come.

Call it peace of mind. If ever I have an issue with my trust... 1 (one) simple call to my lawyer that wrote my Firearm Trust... not just any trust but a Firearm specific trust... will call upon him to fix it for me.

It's also called short sighted. Yes, it may get you your NFA item now... but a well written Firearm Trust doesn't just deal with your life... but also what happens after... for your loved ones (what they need to do with your NFA item and to protect them).

But you know what they say... you can play in the middle of the street... if no one hits you... all is good. It's just a risk I do not have to think about... now or in the future.

Can you say the same about that piece you used for a "trust" that you downloaded?

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:16 pm

NWRed wrote:Other than the cost what exactly is the difference between a lawyer drafted NFA only trust and a free sourced NFA only trust after they've both passed the minimum scrutiny by the ATFs documents examiners to verify they are legal entities under the NFA and have a cancelled stamp in their posession? . . .

I have no way to know what differs in WA law (my WAG would be inheritance rules), but some of the Trust-writing attorneys make a point of saying their Trusts are tailored to the requirements of specific states (WA, OR, etc.) - is the one you've used tailored in any way?

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:23 pm

I am biased when it comes to getting a trust...

A Firearm Trust is something you should invest in (especially for NFA items).

Typically, a firearms collection is the product of one spouse’s interest. The other spouse tolerates this interest, but does not care nearly as much about the items that have accumulated. Due to death or disability, the disinterested spouse or other family member may be forced to manage and/or distribute the collection. Because of the vast amount of federal and state regulations pertaining to both NFA and non-NFA weapons, a disinterested spouse may make a mistake as to the applicable laws. A violation of the applicable laws usually results in the commission of a felony.

Because a GunDocx® firearms trust is designed with this scenario in mind, there are detailed instructions to guide a trustee in handling the assets as well as an overview of applicable laws and regulations.

A GunDocx® firearms trust is also designed to allow for multiple users of the items held by the trust. This is in direct contrast to a standard/generic revocable living trust. The GunDocx® trust specifically allows for any named trustee, successor trustee, and any named beneficiary to have the ability to use the trust assets. There is even a provision that will deem any person that you are shooting with a beneficiary of the trust. The trust also allows for the formal appointment of beneficiaries for a limited duration with a set expiration date. An “automatic beneficiary” and a “limited duration beneficiary” have no rights for inheritance unless they are also listed as a “remainder beneficiary.”

A GunDocx® firearms trust also has many standard trust features such as avoiding the probate process for your firearms and the public record that it would create. There is also the ability to create and update a tangible personal property memorandum which grants different people specific items of a collection.

But again. One that is considering using a format trust like the one by the OP... You just need to know...
BE Informed to make a decision for yourself. Since it's your ASSets on the line... not mine. :wink05:

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:27 pm

In doing my own research, I found this thread helpful, especially these posts:
- post 60 (sample revokable living trust)
- posts 63, 64, and 67 (comments by dbrislawn)

Hmmmm. dbrislawn . . . sounds familiar.
Last edited by DocNugent on Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:34 pm

Please note...

NW Gun Law Group (links I have supplied in my responses).

Dennis Brislawn and Keith Wells

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:10 pm

People selling things tend to focus on the reasons why you should spend your money with them. Attorneys are no different.
If you think the money spent on an attorney editing a fill in the blanks computer trust program with your information is worthwhile, thats your decision.

For me, I have no issue with meeting the minimum legal requirements to form a valid legal Trust and acquiring 1 NFA item with it. If and when there's an issue with it, there's only 1 item at stake.

From what I read of Brislawns posts on NWF his Trusts are crafted with assumption the Trustees and Benficiaries are morons and will be violating federal law without his guidance. Which is why he apparently includes the applicable laws regarding firearms in the trust.

Do you really think the ATF is approving NFA items for invalid legal entities, Trusts/LLCs/LLPs/Corps, and then going back later and attempting to revoke a tax paid stamp? They'll deny a stamp to a non-valid entity, to do any less would be a violation of federal law, same as approving a Form for someone who failed to acquire a CLEO signature or didnt send in their fingerprint card with the Form. Not going to happen. Ask the people who had their invalid Trusts that DSG was offering with suppressor purchases, kicked back due to the trust formation paperwork being incomplete and not notarized as required by the trust documents.

A 1 page trust would require the declaration, certification, and schedule A. If that meets the minimum legal standards, then what does it matter if it's only 1 page? They dont have to be complicated, form a Corporation if you want it to be complicated.

Oldkim, how many pages is your Trust? Do you have other assets listed in the schedule A besides NFA items? Do you have a tornado rider on your home owners policy?

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:21 am

NWRed wrote: Do you have a tornado rider on your home owners policy?

:ROFLMAO: WTF is that?

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:59 am

oldkim wrote:The ATF is not the benchmark by which you want your "trust" to pass.

They (ATF) will pass a one page trust.
So long as it met their idea of what a trust is... (but please remember they are not lawyers either nor care if the trust is "valid" or not).

They are examiners making sure all your paperwork is done... Not lawyers

^This. They aren't checking for validity, they are checking for completeness. You should be more concerned about the former, because that is what you hang your hat on with an NFA trust.

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:35 am

I guess the question needs to be asked..

would you put your home trust up against the federal governments lawyers if needed? Or would you rather have a attorney that will back up his trust to do that for you?

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:30 am

spikedzombies wrote:I guess the question needs to be asked..

would you put your home trust up against the federal governments lawyers if needed? Or would you rather have a attorney that will back up his trust to do that for you?

I'm sorry... I couldn't hear you over the ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ playing in my head...

Re: WA state revokable living trust template

Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:47 am

Massivedesign wrote:
spikedzombies wrote:I guess the question needs to be asked..

would you put your home trust up against the federal governments lawyers if needed? Or would you rather have a attorney that will back up his trust to do that for you?

I'm sorry... I couldn't hear you over the ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ playing in my head...

When it comes to NFA why fuck around? :patriot:
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